man holding box of belonging at his desk

Top Laws that Protect You When You’ve Been Laid Off

There’s a great deal of stress that comes with losing a job. If you were recently laid off, you’re probably wondering how you’re going to pay bills or how you’re going to get insurance for your family, among other things. However, you may have some protections in place that will help you have a little […]

man holding a box of belongings at his desk

What is Wrongful Termination?

You have lost your job. It does not seem fair. But is it illegal? That depends on the situation. It is illegal if it is considered to be a “wrongful termination.” What is Considered Wrongful Termination in the State of Florida? Wrongful termination which is another way of referring to an illegal termination may occur […]

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Was Ray Rice Wrongfully Terminated?

If you followed the Ray Rice wrongful termination case, you undoubtedly have an opinion on the situation. If not, a review of the details may help you understand the settlement reached. The Background In February of 2014, Ray Rice, a Baltimore Ravens running back (at the time), was caught hitting his (then) fiancée Janay, in […]

man relaxing on the beach

Understanding Vacation Pay and Employment

In a recent study conducted by Oxford Economics for the U.S. Travel Association, it was found that Americans forfeited $52.4 billion in time-off benefits in 2013 alone, meaning they took less vacation in 2013 than they had in the previous 4 decades. Why Aren’t Americans Using Vacation Time? American workers are now being titled “work […]

man holding box of belonging in an empty room

4 Things Not to Do if You Just Got Fired

Getting terminated from a job is an emotional time. However, not every termination is handled well or legally. When this happens, it’s tempting to do some of the following, but it’s certainly not advisable: Act Unprofessionally Screaming, hurling objects around the office, making faces at executives, telling your boss exactly what you think of him, […]

stack of one hundred dollar bills

Can I be Fired for Having My Wages Garnished?

Title III of the Consumer Credit Protection Act (CCPA) allows wages to be garnished (a portion of an employee’s paycheck withheld to pay off a debt) in order to pay an outstanding debt to credit card companies, banks, other financial lenders, and/or government agencies as in the case of court judgments, child support, taxes, and […]

aggressive man stairs at worried man at desk

Dealing with a Deceptive Employer

For most of us, we spend more waking hours at work than anywhere else. That makes it extremely difficult when dealing with someone unethical on the job. But what do you do when that someone pays your paycheck? Common Types of Workplace Deception To better understand your options, it’s important to categorize the nature of […]

drug test results

Can I Be Denied Employment for Refusing to take a Drug Test?

The short answer is yes. An employer can decide not to hire someone based on refusal of a drug test as long as that is the sole reason and not because they are part of a protected class. This denial must apply to all job candidates as a company policy. Since drug testing laws fall […]

Were You Legally Terminated from your job

Wrongful Termination: Were You Legally Terminated?

Florida is an “at-will” state, meaning employees may be terminated at any time for whatever reason, including no reason at all. If you’ve recently lost your job, you may be considering your rights. Just because you reside in an at-will state does not mean you haven’t been wrongfully terminated. Even though the law seems like […]

worried woman sitting at desk with box of belongings looking down

Can I Be Fired or Disciplined for Using FMLA?

Although Florida is an at-will work state, employment law still dictates certain policies that protect employees from wrongful termination. The 1993 Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is one such provision that was put in place to maintain a worker’s job role and reputation during eligible leave. Can an employer fire or discipline a worker […]


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