If you, or someone you know, is a victim of workplace discrimination, retaliation, or harassment, it is essential to find the right team of employment lawyers to represent you. Our experienced wrongful termination lawyers in Orlando, Florida, have represented thousands of employees and continue to fight aggressively against workplace violations and unfair labor practices.


  • Unpaid Wages and Overtime
  • FMLA Violations
  • Employment Discrimination
  • Wrongful Termination
  • Hostile Work Environment
  • Workplace Retaliation
  • Employment Contracts
  • Fair Credit Reporting Act Violations
  • Florida Unemployment Compensation Violations
  • Florida COBRA Insurance Violations
  • EEOC Mediation
  • Government Investigations


Although Florida is an “at-will” employment state, your employer does not have the right to fire you for reasons such as:

  • Filing a Workers’ Compensation claim
  • Discrimination, such as age, race, sex, and gender
  • Blowing the whistle on illegal or unethical activities
  • Filing for FMLA leave
  • Wage disputes and unpaid overtime

If you were fired from your job through no fault of your own, an Orlando wrongful termination attorney could determine if your firing was illegal and what steps are needed to prove your case.


In Florida, every retaliation or discrimination claim based on race, sex, age, religion, or national origin, begins with filing a complaint with the EEOC. It is a process that can be done without the representation of a lawyer. However, it is important to know the benefits of having an experienced labor lawyer representing your case.

Benefits of Hiring a Labor Lawyer to Represent Your EEOC Case

  • The EEOC represents both the employee and the employer. An employment lawyer is an employee advocate.
  • The EEOC can provide inaccuracies in their charges which could cause credibility issues. An employment lawyer can find the errors for you and make sure your credibility is protected.
  • An employment attorney can draft the charge and control the message – ensuring accuracy.
  • An employment lawyer in Orlando can amend a charge if inaccuracies are found.

Also, without the right legal representation, the process can be long and drawn out. Hiring an experienced EEOC lawyer in Orlando can help speed up the meditation process and maximize your recovery.


Florida employees have the right to fair pay. Whether you are working for minimum wage or on a salary, or anything in between, employers must follow the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and other legislation, including State of Florida minimum wage laws, so that you are paid what you are lawfully owed.

Orlando Labor and Employment Lawyers fight for fair pay in multiple types of payment dispute cases, including:

  • Unpaid wages, commissions, and bonuses (FLSA)
  • Fair pay for women (Equal Pay Act – EPA)
  • Fair pay for the disabled, for the young and old (ADA & ADEA)
  • Fair pay for every race, creed, and ethnicity (Title VII)
  • Minimum wage violations (FLSA & State of Florida law)
  • Unpaid overtime (hourly or non-exempt salaried workers)

Orlando, Florida employment lawyers understand the importance of fair pay for all workers across the state. When employers violate federal or state laws, it can negatively affect your financial status and cause instability to you and your family.

Wenzel Fenton Cabassa, P.A., has some of the best labor lawyers in Orlando, FL.


Workplace discrimination negatively impacts careers, as well as individuals and families, every day. It is wide-ranging in its effects and can cause tremendous stress and financial strain. Orlando labor and employment lawyers strongly advocate for their clients against employers who break workplace discrimination laws. Florida workers have civil rights and employee rights that should be upheld. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employment discrimination against several workers’ categories or classes.

The types of cases that Orlando employment discrimination lawyers file include:

  • Sex and Gender Discrimination
  • Pregnancy Discrimination
  • Age Discrimination
  • Religious Discrimination
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Race Discrimination
  • Disability Discrimination
  • Workplace Bullying Discrimination

We have experienced discrimination lawyers in Orlando who fight for fairness, justice, and equal workplace rights.


No one deserves to work in a hostile work environment. It is oppressive and intimidating — and employees are often fearful to even step foot in the front door. A hostile work environment can be inflicted upon an employee (or group of employees) due to repeated offensive comments, bullying, unwanted sexual advances or language, or discrimination.

We understand that this can be a very fraught and sensitive situation. Our Orlando labor and employment lawyers are highly skilled in hostile work environment cases. Due to the complexity of these types of cases, it is critical to have the right attorney on your side to get the best outcome of your case.

Not all bullying, offensive language, or other behaviors are determined to be a hostile work environment under the law. The unwanted behavior or actions must be based on a protected class or activity.

The types of hostile work environment cases include:

  • Sex, Gender, Race, or Age
  • Religious Affiliation
  • Disability
  • Pregnancy
  • Whistleblowing
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Workers’ Compensation Claim Filing

Your employer will have their lawyer (or team of lawyers), and workers deserve the right to appropriate representation to hold employers accountable for violations of the law. Consult with an Orlando labor and employment lawyer when dealing with a hostile work environment to determine your best legal options for your particular case.

Need help building your case? Contact our law firm today. Just fill out our confidential consultation form, and we will contact you to schedule your appointment. There is no obligation.

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