When you need an employment lawyer in Sarasota, the experienced, dedicated team at Wenzel Fenton Cabassa, P.A. is here to help. We fight for the rights of employees across multiple industries, job types, and levels. Our mission is to hold employers that violate federal and state employment laws accountable for their actions and get justice.

You have a right to experienced, passionate, well qualified legal counsel.

An employment lawyer in Sarasota serves as your advocate throughout each step of the case, working tirelessly to get the best outcome possible.


Our employee rights attorneys have represented thousands of victims of workplace harassment, retaliation, and discrimination and are experienced in handling complex employment law issues in Sarasota and across the State of Florida. We take pride in representing employees, not employers, and fight aggressively to protect workplace rights.


If you believe you have been the subject of workplace discrimination, you should consult with an employee rights attorney in Sarasota, Florida. Discrimination is not only wrong – it is against the law. Workers have many protections under federal and state laws, including Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992. Unfortunately, many employers violate these laws, causing harm to employees in Sarasota and across the State of Florida.

Workplace discrimination can come in many forms, affecting many employment areas, including the hiring process, the daily work environment, access to promotions, termination, and more. Federal and state laws cover employees in protected categories against workplace discrimination, including:

  • Pregnancy Discrimination
  • Age Discrimination
  • Religious Discrimination
  • Race Discrimination
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Disability Discrimination
  • Workplace Bullying Discrimination

When an employee is dealing with discrimination at work, it can be extremely stressful and challenging to even come to work. You should know that an employment lawyer in Sarasota can help. We believe that no one deserves to be discriminated against and that employers should be held accountable for their actions.


Even though Florida is an “at-will” state – meaning employers can fire you for any reason, employees still have certain protections under the law. Our Sarasota labor attorneys have extensive employment law experience and aggressively fight for our clients in wrongful termination cases.

Wrongful termination is often a retaliatory act to punish employees. It can cause emotional trauma, unnecessary financial stress, and major disruptions to you and your family’s daily needs. It can even have long-lasting effects on your career.

Wrongful termination may result from:

  • Wage and Hour Disputes
  • Whistleblowing
  • Workers’ Compensation Retaliation Claim Filing
  • Age Discrimination
  • Race Discrimination
  • Family and Medical Leave (FMLA)
  • Pregnancy Discrimination
  • Disability Discrimination
  • Unpaid Overtime
  • Hostile Work Environments Tolerating Sexual Harassment 

You may be entitled to lost wages, back wages, and punitive damages, among other types of compensation, if your employer has wrongfully terminated you.


Employees in Florida are also protected under the law if they are subjected to a hostile work environment. Your employment lawyer in Sarasota uses laws such as Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), and the Florida Civil Rights Act to hold employers accountable.

A hostile work environment is a term that describes a workplace where an employee (or group of employees) is subjected to discrimination, offensive comments, bullying, or unwanted sexual advances — creating an oppressive, intimidating atmosphere where the employee may be fearful of going to work because of the behavior of the harasser. Not all offensive, difficult workplaces constitute a cause of action for a hostile work environment. For a given situation to rise to the level of an actionable claim, the person (or group) must be in a protected class. Hostile work environment laws typically cover workplace discrimination or harassment due to the following:

  • Sexual Harassment
  • Race, Sex, Gender, or Age
  • Disability
  • Religious Affiliation
  • Pregnancy
  • Whistleblowing
  • Workers’ Compensation Claim Filing

Our employee rights attorneys in Sarasota, Florida, understand the complexities of hostile work environment cases and work closely with clients to determine effective strategies and build strong cases against employers who violate the law.


Trying to recover back pay, overtime, or commissions is not something an employee should have to do when working hard to earn a living. To save on payroll expenses, some employers use common tactics, such as employee misclassification, to get out of paying what they owe.

In Florida, the minimum wage is currently $8.65 per hour (2021), and many employees qualify for overtime pay for time-and-a-half for every hour after 40 hours of work. If you believe you are a victim of misclassification or are not being paid the wages, overtime, or commissions you are owed, you have rights and need to contact an employment lawyer in Sarasota to represent your case.


Our employee rights attorneys in Sarasota represent victims of unfair and illegal workplace violations. Here are some of our practice areas:

  • Unpaid Wages and Overtime
  • FMLA Violations
  • Discrimination
  • Wrongful Termination
  • Hostile Work Environment
  • Workplace Retaliation
  • Employment Contracts
  • Fair Credit Reporting Act Violations
  • Florida Unemployment Compensation Violations
  • Florida COBRA Insurance Violations
  • EEOC Mediation
  • Government Investigations

To learn more about the services we provide, visit our full list of Practice Areas.

Start building your case today. Contact our law firm by filling out our confidential confirmation form, and we will contact you to schedule your appointment. For immediate assistance, feel free to call our intake team.

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