We are employment lawyers in Jacksonville, FL, dedicated to holding employers accountable for the laws they break. With extensive knowledge in employment law and decades of experience going toe to toe with companies large and small to fight for employee rights, Wenzel Fenton Cabassa, P.A., understands what it takes to get justice for our clients.
Since Florida is an “at-will” state, employees can be fired from their job for any reason – unless they are protected by federal or state law. There are also many other protections that employees have from illegal behavior by their employer. Depending on your circumstance, you may be able to receive significant remuneration, damages, and other types of resolutions to your case. Our employment lawyers in Jacksonville, FL, examine the details of your claim to determine your best legal actions against employers who violate your employee rights.
When dealing with employment retaliation, harassment, or discrimination, it is important to have an experienced employee rights attorney in Jacksonville, FL, on your side. Our attorneys have handled thousands of labor law and workplace violation cases in Florida and are committed to fighting for employee rights in the workplace.
In Florida, it is illegal for an employee to be fired for reporting workplace violations or for engaging in activities protected by law. Furthermore, an employee cannot be fired, harassed, or retaliated against in any way for exercising their workplace rights. A major law that employment lawyers in Jacksonville, FL, utilize in cases of retaliation against employees is the Florida Private Sector Whistleblower Act, Fla. Stat. Ann S448.102.
It is also illegal for employers to discriminate against employees in multiple aspects of the job and the hiring process. Numerous laws on the federal, state and local levels protect Florida employees from discrimination, including but certainly not limited to:
- Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
- Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
- Equal Pay Act (EPA)
- National Labor Relations Act (NLRA)
- Occupational Health and Safety Act (OSHAct)
- Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978
- Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)
- Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992
- Local wage theft ordinances
Employment retaliation and discrimination lawyers in Jacksonville tackle a wide variety of cases for employees and groups of employees across all industries and employment levels. Whether you are an hourly worker, salaried, or work in any level of management, you deserve an experienced Jacksonville employment lawyer to hold employers accountable for unlawful actions.
- Denied employment due to race, gender, age, or disability
- Fired from your job for blowing the whistle on unfair labor practices
- Fired from your job for blowing the whistle on unsafe working conditions
- Passed up for a promotion for being pregnant
- Given a demotion because of your religious practices
- Forced to retire early because of your age
- Terminated for filing for workers’ compensation benefits
Has this happened to you or someone you know? Our Jacksonville employment lawyers are experienced in representing workplace retaliation and discrimination cases and can provide the knowledge and consultation needed to help build your case.
In Florida, qualified employees, by law, are entitled to overtime pay at time-and-a-half for every hour over 40 hours in a workweek. To save on payroll expenses, some employers avoid paying overtime by misclassifying their employees.
Misclassification is also used to avoid paying the Florida minimum wage, currently $8.65 per hour (January 1,2021). Often, employees are not aware that they are misclassified. Therefore, it goes unnoticed, and employers can get away with it.
If you believe this has happened to you, an employment lawyer can help you assess the situation and determine if you have a case.
Even though Florida is an “at-will” state, many employees still have protections against wrongful termination. Many types of situations could qualify for wrongful termination lawsuits, including being fired specifically due to:
- Race, sex, age, disability, pregnancy, religion
- Complaints about unfair labor practices or unsafe working conditions
- Lawfully taking leave under the FMLA while following company procedures
- Requesting to get paid for unpaid overtime or back wages
- Asking for reasonable accommodations due to a disability
These cases are complex and often involve claims under more than one law. It is critical to work with an experienced wrongful termination attorney in Jacksonville, FL. They will work with you each step of the way to ensure all legal processes and procedures are followed correctly and to determine the optimum strategy for your case.
A hostile work environment can be one of the most difficult things to go through on the job. It is highly stressful, can cause an employee to be fearful of coming to work, lower production and ability to perform well, and affect an employee mentally, physically, and financially. Skilled employment lawyers in Jacksonville, FL, understand the sensitivity and difficulty of hostile work environments and work with compassion with their clients while being tough on employers who violate employment law.
A hostile work environment is oppressive and can often include offensive comments or actions, discrimination, sexual harassment, bullying, or other similar behaviors and can occur not only due to the actions of a direct supervisor but also from a supervisor from a different department, a vendor, another employee, or a client/customer.
Not all bullying or hostile behavior in the workplace is considered illegal. The situations/persons must be covered under employment law, such as whistleblowing, religious affiliation, race, pregnancy, or disability, among other categories. Consult with our employment lawyers in Jacksonville, FL, to discuss the details of your complaint.
Our team of employment lawyers in Jacksonville, FL, have over extensive employment law experience. To ensure employees in Florida are protected from workplace violations, we offer a wide range of practice areas.
- Unpaid Wages and Overtime
- FMLA Violations
- Discrimination
- Hostile Work Environment
- Workplace Retaliation
- Employment Contracts
- Fair Credit Reporting Act Violations
- Florida Unemployment Compensation Violations
- Florida COBRA Insurance Violations
- EEOC Mediation
- Government Investigations
Ready to talk to an attorney? Contact our law office today to schedule your confidential consultation. Simply fill out our form, and we will contact you to schedule your appointment.