Thank you for Contacting Wenzel Fenton
Cabassa, P.A. regarding your legal issue
We consider it a great privilege that you would choose to contact us and we look forward to serving you.
One thing we have learned through the years is that our clients know more than anybody else about what caused them to seek legal assistance. We have also learned that people generally do not enjoy filling out forms. We have, therefore, tried to keep our form as simple as possible. But we also know that there is more to your story than you were able to share in the short form that you filled out – and that we want to hear the long story if you want to share it with us.
If you would like to share more information and help us expedite the processing by completing the intake form then simply click below:
You can fill it out online from your computer or smartphone. You don’t have to print anything or mess around with a fax machine or a scanner. Because we want to help you make the very best decisions about your legal issues, we ask that you fill out all of the information as fully and accurately as possible. Your executed questionnaire, along with any documents you submit, will promptly be reviewed by an attorney with our firm. Our office will be contacting you shortly, but if you would like to speak with one of our team members right away, you can call us at (813) 579-2483.
Please be advised, this firm does not presently represent you and shall not be considered to be representing you unless you are offered a contractual agreement which is subsequently executed by both you and the firm.
Dealing with unpaid wages, discrimination or wrongful termination? Get the information you need to protect your workplace rights. We offer employment law resources to help you fight for workplace justice.