Facebook improves benefits for its contractors

woman holding iphone looking at facebook while at her desk
Facebook recently announced improved benefits for its contractors and vendors in the United States, including a $15 minimum wage, a minimum of 15 paid days off for holidays, sick time and vacation — and for workers who don’t get paid parental leave, a $4,000 new child benefit.

In a news release, the company’s Chief Operating Office, Sheryl Sandberg said the new policy would allow parents the flexibility to take paid parental leave. Because women comprise about two-thirds of minimum wage workers nationwide, Sandberg wrote, minimum wage adjustments particularly affect women.

In Florida, the minimum wage is currently $8.05, which is higher than the $7.25 federal minimum wage.

If an employer does not pay at least minimum wage, the employer may be in violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), which is a claim the lawyers at Wenzel Fenton Cabassa often handle.

The FLSA guarantees a number of rights to workers — including tipped employees, like waiters, whose hourly wage plus the tips earned must add up to at least the minimum wage.

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