Category: Employment Contracts and Agreements

  • 10 Things You Want to Know Before Hiring an Employment Lawyer

    10 Things You Want to Know Before Hiring an Employment Lawyer

    If you think you need an employment lawyer, there are several things you should think about before hiring one. Employment lawyers, and their skills in representing you, are not all equal. Some are more tenacious than others. Some are more experienced. Take the time to speak with several of them and ask the following: How…

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  • I Just Got Fired. Now What?

    I Just Got Fired. Now What?

    Getting terminated from a job is very stressful. Not only do you have financial concerns but your pride suffers as well. It hurts to be told, “this just isn’t working out”. While Florida is an at-will state, and you can be fired at any time, there are several reasons employers can’t fire you. Knowing these…

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  • What Can I Do if My Employer Violates My Employment Contract?

    What Can I Do if My Employer Violates My Employment Contract?

    If you have an agreement with your employer – written or verbal (albeit verbal is harder to prove) – that has been broken, you have several courses of action. If the employment/employee contract is a union contract, speak with your union representative first. If not, then you can: Speak with the Human Resources Department While…

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  • Fired for Not Signing Non-Compete Agreement?

    Fired for Not Signing Non-Compete Agreement?

    You May Have a Wrongful Termination Case. Employers institute non-compete agreements for a variety of reasons, mainly to prohibit employees with critical information on the company from taking clients or ideas to competitors. Agreements can be narrow in prohibiting only direct pilfering of clients, research, and employees or extremely broad in prohibiting employees from working…

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  • LinkedIn Forced to Pay Nearly $6 Million in Unpaid Wages

    LinkedIn Forced to Pay Nearly $6 Million in Unpaid Wages

    Employment law is difficult to understand without a legal background. It used to be believed that hourly employees received overtime for anything worked over 40 hours, while salaried employees were at the mercy of their employer receiving a flat salary regardless of how many hours they worked. Employment law is not that simple and mistakes…

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  • What rights do I have as a salaried employee?

    What rights do I have as a salaried employee?

    Workers have a wide range of protections under the law. Salaried employee rights are included in legislation that holds employers accountable for violating those laws. People work hard for their salary and should be paid appropriately. But as a salaried employee, you may be working harder than you have to. There’s a common misconception that…

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  • New overtime rules for salaried workers on the way

    New overtime rules for salaried workers on the way

    In most parts of the country, a salary of $24,000 a year doesn’t get you very far. But if you are a salaried employee making that much or more, and are classified by your employer as an administrative, executive or professional employees, you are not legally entitled to overtime pay. Think for a minute about…

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  • Extended Holiday Hours Doesn’t Mean Overtime Pay

    Extended Holiday Hours Doesn’t Mean Overtime Pay

    Confused about the subject of overtime and holiday pay? Getting paid what you are legally owed is important to all workers — and having the right information about this area of employee rights will help give you the clarity you need to make the right legal decisions. Retailers from Wal-Mart and Target all the way…

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  • How Does Obamacare Affect Small Business Employees?

    How Does Obamacare Affect Small Business Employees?

    “It is the single biggest job killer in America.” “Americans all over this country are suffering because of Obamacare.” “If we are really serious about stopping Obamacare, we’ll destroy the entire planet.” All comments made by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) regarding Obamacare in just the last month. And whether you’re listening to the political rhetoric…

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  • Can I Sue My Employer for Not Paying Me Overtime? What You Need to Know

    Can I Sue My Employer for Not Paying Me Overtime? What You Need to Know

    The short answer is: YES. Don’t work for free for another second. If you are not being paid for overtime by your employer it is critical that you contact an attorney immediately to protect your rights, and to ensure you recover the hard-earned money your employer might be withholding from you. Every day you wait…

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