Halloween at work can be a tricky and difficult time. Employers will often throw parties to celebrate this festive, spooky time of year, thinking that it can help with morale and team building. But Halloween in the workplace is unique from other company events in that it can set the stage for sexual harassment and…
A lawsuit was recently filed against the Catholic Diocese of St. Petersburg by a former employee of Catholic Charities alleging sexual harassment by the interim executive director. Represented by Donna V. Smith, a partner at Wenzel Fenton Cabassa, P.A., Abdelaziz Abdelmunim claims that Margaret Rogers made unwanted sexual advances toward him during his time of…
The Uber harassment scandal launched a huge conversation in the tech world after whistleblower Susan Fowler exposed the sexism and harassment she faced at her former employer. Highlighting that discrimination and harassment happen across industries and can occur at any level, there is still much to learn to improve workplace culture — and human resource…
Often, sexual harassment at work occurs not because companies don’t have policies that make it unlawful, but because these policies are not always enforced and/or there’s a lack of training to educate employees. The most effective way to curb sexual harassment in the workplace is to empower employees and make them aware that sexual harassment…
The awareness of the prevalence of sexual harassment rose to a much higher level in 2017 with national attention spotlighting entertainment, government, media and other industries across the country. Sexual harassment in the workplace is certainly not new but hopefully with the increased attention on the subject, and powerful people being held accountable for their…
Any kind of sexual harassment is unacceptable. Sexual harassment in the workplace has gained an enormous amount of national attention over the last year, and individuals (and the employers of these individuals in many cases) are being held accountable for their actions. Do you know what constitutes sexual harassment? It is important to understand the…
The national awareness of the prevalence of sexual harassment in the workplace continues to grow. It affects people across all industries — from the tech world to manufacturing and many workplaces in between. Are you wondering what to do if you’re being sexually harassed at work? There are different laws and best practices to report…
(Updated June 2023) Sexual harassment in the workplace is not a recent issue, but for centuries there was no legal recourse for victims. Thankfully, employees are becoming more empowered to speak out and take action against their harassers. In the United States, the groundwork for establishing federal sexual harassment laws and eventually making sexual harassment…
Inappropriate conduct can be pervasive in some work environments. One has to look no further than the recent string of sexual harassment allegations against New Orleans chef and restaurateur John Besh and some of his male employees and managers. According to The Times-Picayune, during the past several years, the John Besh Restaurant Group fostered a…
With Hollywood movie producer Harvey Weinstein’s recent termination from the company he helped co-found and his subsequent dismissal from the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences, it begs the question: How many complaints of sexual harassment go unheeded in the workplace? According to a 2015 report by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), approximately…
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Wenzel Fenton Cabassa, P.A. operates on a contingency basis, ensuring that we do not receive payment unless we secure compensation for your case. If your workplace rights were violated, contact us today for free case evaluation.