Share Your Wage and Non-Compete Horror Stories with the White House

Photo of White House with Presidential Podium
Now’s your chance to take a bad situation, and turn it into something positive. If you have a wage or non-compete agreement nightmare, the White House has invited you to share your story with the nation. The White House is asking employees to share their non-compete (NCC) and wage collusion horror stories to help develop more effective regulations to address these concerns.

In response to complaints of burdensome wage and non-compete agreements put on employees, the White House announced its focus on putting a stop to “abusive noncompete agreements”. According to to Huffpost Business, “some workers may face challenges that can hold down their wages by preventing them from competing fairly. This includes the improper use of non-compete agreements, and wage collusion — where groups of companies work together to unfairly limit the wages of their employees.”

The effort will take place from the top down by working with states, advocacy organizations, businesses, legal and economic experts, and employees to shape a solid plan of action and combat abusive non-compete agreements.

A recent White House study on non-compete agreements found, “37 percent of Americans have been subjected to non-competes, and 18 percent are currently under one.” Further, the study concludes that most Americans are expected to eventually have signed a non-compete for a company at some point in their lifetime.

Non-compete agreements provide that a former employee cannot work for a competitor for a specified duration of time following the conclusion of their employment for the company. The majority of non-compete agreements specify a period of time — months or years — that the employee must wait to work for a competitor in order to maintain a company confidentiality policy and protect “trade secrets”. The non-compete agreement situation in America became agitated and gained more attention after Jimmy John’s franchise began imposing non-compete agreements for sandwich makers.

In an attempt to gain a better understanding of common challenges related to non-compete agreements or wage collusion, the White House is asking for your perspective and the story of your specific job experience.

The White House now invites you to contribute to the discussion, so that intelligent actions can now be taken into consideration to combat the burden of excessive and over-reaching non-compete agreements for employees.

Example Non Compete Abuses to be Addressed:

No Talking to Customers for Years — Even If They’re Your Kids/Parent

Switch Companies – Old Company Calls Your New Employer — You’re Fired or They’ll Sue

Every Employee Signs a Non-Compete Agreement

Your Non-Compete Effectively Means You Can’t Leave

Employee Can’t Afford the Lawsuit

Sign or We’re Firing You

The White House has said that of these common problems with non-compete agreements will be addressed soon following the collection of real stories provided by everyday workers in America. By sharing your story, legislators will be able to get a much better grasp on any defects that exist in the current way of regulating wage and non-compete agreements.

Ready to do something about an abusive wage or non-compete agreement?

Get in touch with an experienced employment law attorney to get a better overview of your wage and non-compete case in Florida. Contact Wenzel Fenton Cabassa, P. A., today to set up a free confidential consultation.


The White House Wants Your Horror Stories on Noncompetes and Wage Collusion

How Have Non Competes and Wage Collusion Affected You?

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