11 Steps to State your EEOC Case Infographic
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) cases require a series of steps to protect the employee throughout the process of making a claim and pursuing a case against the employer.
Oftentimes, an employer that condones illegal activity such as discrimination, may also retaliate by subjecting the employee to harsh treatment when making a claim against the company. An employee may lose sleep, lose focus, and even lose the job because of an inability to perform given the circumstances. These examples all contribute to the damages suffered(by the employee and may form the basis for recovery, in addition to the employee’s economic losses) after proving that discrimination was the cause of the employee’s drop in performance.
Federal Law prohibits discrimination based on race, sex, national origin, religion, color, age, and disability. In addition, some protections at the state and local level may extend to LBGT status, marital status, and other protected classes. It is important to read more into the laws that apply to your local area.
EEOC cases are tricky. They require the employee to gather the evidence that proves discrimination took place.
Please Note: At the time this article was written, the information contained within it was current based on the prevailing law at the time. Laws and precedents are subject to change, so this information may not be up to date. Always speak with a law firm regarding any legal situation to get the most current information available.
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